Ipswich Mental Health Redevelopment

The new Acute Mental Health Unit at Ipswich Hospital is a key component of the Ipswich Health Precinct development under the West Moreton Health Master Plan.

The four-storey Class 9a building will feature drop-off and pick-up car parking and a social meeting area on ground level, two levels of patient care housing 50 beds, as well as offices for staff, internal courtyards and an assessment centre. The roof level of the unit will house plant and equipment and include a link bridge across to Ipswich Hospital.

McKenzie Group Consulting are providing Building Surveying and Access Consulting Services for this project, which is due for completion in late 2022.

Get in touch

22A Taminga Street
Regency Park SA 5010
T: (03) 9247 0400

Level 7, 340 Adelaide Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
T: (07) 3834 9800

Level 1, 50 Geils Court
Deakin ACT 2600
T: (02) 8298 6888

161 Myers Street
Geelong, VIC 3220
T: (03) 9247 0400

Gold Coast
12 West Street
Burleigh Heads QLD 4220
T: (07) 3152 5200

Level 11, 500 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
T: (03) 9247 0400

Level 2, 50 Colin Street
West Perth WA 6005
T: (08) 6218 5700

Level 6, 189 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
T: (02) 8298 680